January 13, 2022 2024-10-30 13:13Speaking



Topics for Discussion
Turning Setbacks into Advantages to Cause Growth and Resiliency
Can setbacks help us create opportunities to positively affect the world around us?
Everyone goes through challenging times but how we use these setbacks to help us grow cultivates resiliency.
Learn ways to turn setbacks into advantages, cultivate renewed personal growth and enable recovery from life’s challenging events.
Living a Mindful Life
The Positive Parent
We all want to be the best parents we could be, but how could we do it? Using Positive Psychology as its foundation, we can raise our kids to be more optimistic and resilient.
Learn what traits can be learned? What should you be teaching your child? What types of environment nurtures a child towards a positive lifestyle? Are you a positive role model? Learn ways to encourage your child to be the best they can be and become the role model you want your kids to follow.
Remember, Happy parent = Happy children.
Time Management and Productivity
Time Management is a skill that can be learned. It helps us have better work-life balance, feel less overwhelmed and more in control especially in time of uncertainty.
Learn realistic, sustainable tools to improve your time management and have better productivity in both your professional and personal life.
Emotional Detox: Dealing with Negative People
We all have people who push our buttons, drain our energy, and take us off track. From co-workers to neighbors, friends, and family members. Difficult people can be found anywhere. These types of people can create situations that cause us to feel frustrated, drained, fatigued, and unhappy.
In this workshop you will learn:
- Tips to deal with difficult people.
- Different communication techniques that you can use to effectively handle negative/difficult people.
- Learn what is a toxic relationship and how to emotionally detox.
- Learn why people are so negative.
- The consequences of too much negativity in your life.
Positive Psychology - Finding your Happiness
We all want to be happy. However, what is it that truthfully makes us happy? What are the myths of happiness?
- Can we be happy- is it in our control?
- What changes can we make in our life to be happier and healthier?
- Learn new ways of thinking and behaving that will make your life happier like expressing gratitude, setting life goals, random acts of kindness, etc.
- Make small changes now that will help you to live a more positive and resilient lifestyle.
- Learn the steps that you can take that will make a HUGE difference in your life.
Positive Aging
Life expectancy has improved during the past couple of decades. Most of us will look forward to twenty or more years in retirement. How we choose to address our aging bodies and minds during this time will be up to us.
Our beliefs on aging play a huge role in our happiness and health.
In this workshop we will learn:
- Ways to thrive at any age and gain perspective on the aging process.
- The truths and myths of aging.
- Cultivate a positive approach to our future years and see the new possibilities that this stage of life can bring.
Releasing Anger and Finding Forgiveness
Everyone has experienced hurt in their lives. Sometimes the hurt can linger and cause resentment, bitterness and keep us stuck.
Forgiveness is a powerful tool to help us release the anger, hurt pain and fear.
Learn ways to forgive without feeling like your letting the other person off the hook.
Learn to define forgiveness for yourself and the importance of forgiveness.
Learn ways to move past your anger and hurt to heal.
How To Deal With Change And Triumph Over Loss
Loss and change are inevitable. Dealing with these losses and changes can be the most difficult times in our lives. Whether it is the death of a spouse, friend, or family member; moving to a new city; retiring from your job; downsizing—the stress and subsequent grief are challenging. How do we triumph and flourish? In this workshop will discuss reactions to grief and recognizing the damaging effect of unresolved grief; strategies for grieving effectively and how to support family members and friends who are grieving.
Re-train Your Brain for Success & Happiness: The Power of Positive Thinking!
Even when things are going well many of us carry a constant inner dialogue that tends to be self-deprecating. Even if we exercise self-discipline in our diet and exercise, we rarely consider discipline of thought to enhance our emotional health and well-being. Yet, much of our personal freedom is blocked by negative thought patterns and beliefs.
Come explore ways to change your thinking, make changes and feel empowered!
Declutter Your Life and Reduce Stress
Make small changes that will help you to live a more positive and resilient lifestyle. Learn the realistic steps you can take today that will make a HUGE difference in your life. In this workshop you will learn the signs/symptoms of stress and anxiety and the impact it has on your body. -Learn your triggers for stress and anger -Learn ways to declutter your “stuff” -Learn ways to simplify your life and live in the now! -Learn ways to feel more empowered, motivated and healthier. Remember when you declutter your mind the rest will follow…. If our mind is clear, our homes become tidy, our offices run efficiently, and our lives feel balanced.
Self-Care: Filling Up Your Cup
People spend much of their lives nurturing others. When we find ourselves focusing more on others instead of ourselves, we become stressed out and we can burn out.
Selfcare is not selfish. It is an essential component to appreciating yourself, cultivating happiness and finding balance.
Join me to learn the importance of self-care and specific actions you can take to fill your cup.
What Kind Of Smart Are You – Learning Your Strengths and Finding Your Passion!
Coaching Yourself to Success
Are you feeling stuck? Stagnant? Are you ready for your best life? To feel a sense of happiness and purpose in life? Whatever your goals/dreams are, this workshop will teach you the right questions to ask yourself. Questions are powerful tools and the cornerstone of coaching. Questions help us learn why we made past choices, who we are today and where we are heading. Questions open us into further self-exploration and lead to powerful insights. Asking yourself the right questions can push us into new possibilities and opportunities. It can lead to finding happiness and success in both your personal and professional life.
From Positivity to Productivity! Motivating Your Employees to Work Hard and Be Happy at Work!
Motivating employees is not just about giving raises. Believe it or not money is not the best motivator. But what is? Join us for the “Motivating Your Employees” webinar to find out the best ways to motivate employees and keep them happy in the workplace.
We all want our employees to be loyal, professional, and hardworking, to be their best every day. If we treat our employees well this can go a long way and help them to be motivated and hardworking which will improve absenteeism, productivity, and turnover rates.
Everyone can motivate their employees—whether you’re a small business owner that can’t afford many perks such as job sharing or big bonuses or a mid-size to large company—there are many ways to motivate your employees to work hard and be happy at work.
Stop Taking It Personally
“Don’t take anything personally” is advice that asks us to look at our reactions, be aware of our own thoughts, and then take full responsibility for our behaviors. As the old saying goes, “No one can make you feel a certain way without your permission.”
When we do the work of “not taking anything personally,” we stop playing the victim, and giving away our power. And that leads to healthier relationships, a stronger sense of personal empowerment, and more choices about what the next right step can be.
Emotional Wellness Series
Being emotionally well is more than just handling stress. It also involves being attentive to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors whether positive or negative.
In this course, we will learn ways to cope effectively with stress, retrain our thoughts from negative to positive, deal with and manage anger, how to forgive, and happiness habits.
3- 5 week series.
Parenting during the Pandemic
We are in the middle of one of the greatest tests for parents while being cooped up and working from home.
Using the practices of positive psychology, we can help our kids be more optimistic and happier during the pandemic.
Learn practices to help parents not turn on one another and how to be a positive role model during this stressful time.
Staying Positive during Trying Times
With gloom and doom around us, it can be hard to find the positive. Isolation has many of us feeling sad and anxious. But it is possible to stay positive, feel hopeful and reduce stress/anxiety during these turbulent times. We can learn to feel better by paying attention to our thoughts and feelings in a way that increases our ability to manage difficult situations and make wise choices. With intentional effort and tools for cultivating happiness and mindfulness we can feel more positive and hopeful – even during a crisis.
Building Resiliency for Today and Tomorrow's Challenges
The current crisis is unique in its uncertainty. We are not sure what the future will look like and when the crisis may end.
This creates fear and brings additional challenges to coping. These are tough times, but they offer an opportunity for growth and to build resiliency.
Join us to learn ways to build a resiliency plan in a time of crisis.
Being a Mindful Parent
Being a parent might be your favorite job, but we also know it can be tough and stressful especially during trying times like a pandemic. Mindful parenting means staying in the present with our kids, not worrying about the future or getting stuck in the past. Slowing down and taking time to know ourselves, be an active/empathetic listener, and find the positive will go a long way toward promoting good health and well-being for the whole family.
Mindful parenting is not complicated, but it does take practice. If we learn some basic mindfulness techniques, we can feel less stressed and more present. We can also teach our kids to be mindful doing fun mindfulness techniques or do family activities mindfully
Navigating Your New Norm
There is a lot of talk these days about the “new norm.” Depending on where you live, the various social distancing strategies, face masks, hand sanitizers, canceled plans, and constant changes have us all grappling with a new way of life. It is safe to say we are in uncharted territory.
Despite all the challenges we are facing, there is an opportunity to refocus and shift our lives.
While we pine away for the old norm, there are still many things we can do to make the best of our new reality.